Saturday, July 7, 2012

Blogger down! Blogger down!

CBJ prospect Lynch in action at the Frozen Diamond Faceoff
Oh Crap!!  *911

Operator: Crisis intervention center, how may I help you?
Blogger: Oh my goodness <paraphrased> we have a mess here.  We have a blogger smeared all over the local scene!  Light the Lamp is hanging up his shingle!!
Operator: What happened?
Blogger: Yeesh.  I'm trying to be concise here.  The GM, in a move of stunning incompetence, fired the hall of fame coach, and hired a guy with a good rap, but no real ability (no you did not get stupid in Columbus, you brought that with you) or work ethic to match the other NHL coaches, so the whole freakin' thing imploded <piling on>.
Operator:  What about the victim?
Blogger: Well, he cared deeply about the team.  He was a passionate supporter of the Jackets Backers, as well as a great fan of the Columbus Blue Jackets.  He had an acerbic wit, and was not afraid to look critically at the organization, the players, or the situation.
Operator: How did you get to know him?
Blogger: Well, Light the Lamp (LTL) was the first blog I read outside of the Puck Rakers.  He offered valuable counter point to the beat writers, and gave me something I craved more than anything, perspective.
Operator:  What is your favorite memory of the deblogged?
Blogger:  Oh that's easy.  My buddy Bill and I made arrangements with my buddy Mike to attend the Frozen Diamond Face Off, a mid winter outdoor hockey game between Michigan and Ohio State at Jacobs Field in Cleveland (or what ever they call it these days).  My buddy Mike, with a keen sense of the local scene arranged for us to meet at an appropriate time at a local, um, establishment.  By virtue of the Twitter-verse, it became clear that LTL and company were the only people tail-gating in the adjoining parking lot.  My buddy Bill and I exited the establishment, and went over to visit, and had a great time talking hockey with LTL and his friends. He was crazy enough to attend a mid-winter outside hockey game!  'Nuff said!  (present company excepted, of course).  It was great to meet him, since I had long respected his opinion.
Blogger: Another indelible memory is from 2008-09 when the CBJ made the playoffs.  Pics of him stomping a purple octopus suspended by a hang-man's noose in front of Nationwide Arena are one of my great memories of the playoff run.  Ya, just a city boy from ***k Detroit.
Operator:  So what now?
Blogger:  Well, we need to keep on keepin' on, and keep the memory fresh.  We have to remember that while instinctively some of us have a glass half full mentality, the glass half empty approach is a way to learn about where you really are.  It is a valuable perspective.    You need people with passion and dedication to bring that to you on a consistent basis, and we, as a fan base, are poorer for the loss of Light the Lamp's perspective.
Operator: Anything you want to leave as a message?
Blogger: Yeah.  Definitely.  Hey LTL!  Thanks man.  Thanks a ton.  I have loved reading your stuff, and it has helped me to have perspective on the CBJ scene.  We didn't always agree, but that's ok, because it helps me to see what is really going on.  I will miss your thoughts in a large way.  P.S. if you got something to get off your chest,we have your back!  Just let DBJ know and he'll make space for you.  It's his way.

Thank you for your service to the fans of the Columbus Blue Jackets, Light the Lamp!

We wish you well in all things!


1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since this has been posted but I'm glad I found it. I've been wondering what happened to LTL... I figured he just gave up on the team (as I am in the process of doing).

    I read his blog since before it was on the Bloguin network. Good stuff; loved his insight. You will be missed LTL!


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